Welcome back, everyone!
I’ve been busy behind the scenes with a wide range of fantastic projects, and I’m very happy I can finally sit down and write a little update for you.
Here’s a screenshot of my current queue:
As you can see, I’ve been pretty occupied and I’ll probably be for the next few months. More info about my availability are at the bottom of this article ;)
I spent the majority of my time in August working on a series of rush projects.
I was to deliver four D&D group illustrations of four characters each. There were a total of 16 characters involved, of varied races and classes.
The goal was to illustrate four big rival teams in a successful D&D Compendium Kickstarter that you can see here.
I put in extra effort to finish this on time, as these were rush orders that needed to be prioritized.
All the illustration were to be made in black and white only, as in the old school RPG books! For the first team we had the Dwarven Iron Hound, a group of four dwarves ready to crush a D&D team with brute force and just a little touch of necromancy.
The Xorn Force were instead a more varied bunch, with rogues, spellcasters, and a giant bugbear to tank the damage.
My favorite armor I ever designed was this one I made for the orc here. These are the Deathless Marauder, and as the name might suggest, they really are up to no good. Good luck to the players that might have to face this encounter ;)
Finally we had the Titans of Tempus, a very dangerous group of elite enemies. They feature my favorite character design from this whole series, the giant cyclops you see in the back. Can’t really miss him!
That’s it, 16 characters, 4 illustrations, 1 month of hard work. I hope you like them, and please let me know what your favorite character is with a reply. I’m running a poll!
I’ve been back to my regular queue for a couple weeks now, and my customers are being updated one by one as I clear every design.
Slots are filling up quickly and I couldn’t be more happy! Between November and December, I only have FIVE left.
I truly appreciate the trust and support of all my customers, and I can’t wait to see what the next few months bring. If you’ve been considering a custom illustration, don’t wait - click here or follow the link below to secure your slot!
I don’t offer unlimited slots anymore and I will soon start to book for January and February already ;)
Until next time,